Services Conseils Frédéric Leblanc becomes manzio.
Services Conseils Frédéric Leblanc recently called upon Larouche to create a new name, a new visual identity and a brand-new website for its business. Since 2015, the team of experts at Services Conseils Frédéric Leblanc has been supporting and guiding businesspeople to accomplish their goals on their way to the top. The company’s new name, “manzio“, and its new signature “Professional productivity, growth leadership” emphasizes its personal approach in terms of business solutions and enabling it to stand out from the competition.
“Customers who choose to do business with us are looking to take stock of their journey, what they’ve accomplished and what they want to accomplish. Our coaches are there to guide them along this sometimes-winding path by helping them to develop both personally and professionally for lasting change. This raison d’être is essential in our company’s work, and we’re delighted to have a new brand image that reflects the scope of our objectives,” said Frédéric Leblanc, President of manzio.
Created by Larouche, the name “manzio” is a throwback to the “mansios” in the time of the Roman Empire. These locations served as lodgings for dignitaries and officials along their travel routes, providing them a place to rest and take shelter in a comfortable environment. Like its origins, “manzio” means a break, a stopover in the journeys of entrepreneurs and professionals so they can recharge their batteries and change in a lasting way. These are periodic stops on the path to success.
“The new visual identity is embodied in a modernized website and directly highlights the career paths of professionals and the contact points where the manzio team operates. This more vivid representation of our corporate services better reflects the breaks required on the journey to success,” said Jean-François Larouche, President of Larouche Branding and Communications.